Camp Hours:
8:00am - 5:00pm
Early Drop Off: $50 per week
7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
Late Pick Up: $50 per week
5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m
All children are required to have the following age-appropriate vaccines as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC):
The following vaccinations are recommended but not required: •PNEUMOCOCCUS •ROTAVIRUS •INFLUENZA •HAEMOPHILUS INFLUENZAE TYPE B
• MEASLES, MUMPS, RUBELLA: either 2 doses of MMR vaccine or proof of immunity required
• DIPHTHERIA, TETANUS AND PERTUSSIS: 5 doses of DTap or Tdap required for all campers an additional dose of Tdap required for all those over age 11
•HEPATITIS A: 2 doses of HepA vaccine required
•HEPATITIS B: 3 doses of HepB vaccine required
•POLIO: 4 doses of IPV required
•VARICELLA (CHICKEN PDX): either 2 doses of VZV vaccine or proof of immunity required
•MENINGITIS: 1 dose of Menactra or Menveo is required for all campers over age 12, an additional dose is required for campers over age 16
How did you hear about us?
We the undersigned, parents of
a minor ,agree to the following:
PHOTO RELEASE / ACTIVITY RELEASE In the event that Imagine Leadership Camp is asked to participate in any of the following, I agree that my child may participate in all television filming, newspaper and interviews, movies, film commercials and questionnaires. I have no objection to my child being included in photographs, slides or movies taken at Imagine Leadership Camp which might be used for purposes of interpreting, marketing, promoting and publicizing Imagine Leadership Camp, in addition, my child has my permission to participate in all activities which are part of Imagine Leadership Camp including swimming, sports, crafts projects, field trips, and other active play experiences typical in a child care program. In case of an accident, Imagine Leadership Camp assumes no financial responsibility beyond the secondary insurance coverage. The registered minor(s) may participate in all Imagine Leadership Camp camp sponsored field trips.
REFUNDS There will be NO refunds given for any missed days and parents are financially responsible for all the days that the camper has been registered to attend camp. All camp fees are due by the 1st day of May, 2020. All balances not paid in full by the 1st of May, 2020 will be subject to a $25 per camper late fee and possible loss of camper's space in the program. All refund requests must be put in writing and received 3 weeks before the session begins. No refunds after a session has started.
ABSENTEES Parents are requested to notify the camp staff no later than 8:00 am on any day in which their child will not be attending camp.There are no refunds or make-up days provided for any missed camp days.
DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES I understand that the discipline methods used with my child shall include warnings, time outs, denial of privileges and logical consequences. Serious disobedient, disruptive or disorderly behavior may result in expulsion from camp without refund.
CAMP GROUP We will do everything possible to accommodate your camper's request to be placed with their friends, however, we will not guarantee that your requests will be met. No group changes will be made on the first day of each session. Each party must request each other. Only 2 requests please.
LOST AND FOUND I understand that Imagine Leadership Camp is not responsible for articles of clothing, personal athletic equipment and belongings that are lost or damaged whether by fire, theft, natural disaster or other occurrence. Please label personal belongings. Please do not bring valuables to camp.
SIGN-IN / SIGN-OUT Unless you provide written authorization beforehand (see Page 5), your child will not be able to leave the facility with anyone else. NOTE: Picture I.D. is MANDATORY each day prior to camper's release.
I understand and agree that in the event my child is not picked up by 6:00 p.m. (3:30pm on the last day of camp), I will be charged $1.00 per minute. I understand that my child will not be readmitted back to the program until the fee has been paid. I further understand, Imagine Leadership Camp will immediately make every attempt to contact me, or other persons authorized by me to take my child from the facility. If we cannot be located, or if satisfactory arrangements for picking up my child cannot be made by 6:30 p.m., the appropriate local law enforcement and welfare authorities will be contacted and my child may be released to the custody of those welfare authorities as a possible ward of the Juvenile Court. I hereby release Imagine Leadership Camp, its directors, officers, and employees and agents from all liability for any injuries or damages sustained by my child or by me which results directly or indirectly from the procedure outlined. I further agree that if this procedure must be utilized because I fail to pick up my child on time from Imagine Leadership Camp, or because any person designated by me fails to pick up my child on time from the facility, I will indemnify and hold Imagine Leadership Camp harmless for any damages sustained by my child after closing time. Lastly, I understand and agree that if my child is not picked up by the designated time, that my child and I will be dropped from Imagine Leadership Camp Program, and no fee refund will be provided.
MEDICAL EMERGENCY I give Imagine Leadership Camp permission to seek emergency medical attention for the minor if unable to contact me. The undersigned agrees that Imagine Leadership Camp and its designated leaders are not legally liable for any claim from any consent given in good faith in connection with a such diagnosis or advised treatment. This authorization and consent to treatment of minor is given to Imagine Leadership Camp in conjunction with any authorized program event. My child has my approval to participate in Imagine Leadership Camp activities. In case of sickness or accident, Imagine Leadership Camp has my authorization to secure at my expense, such medical attention as deemed necessary, if unable to communicate with me immediately.
WAIVER I assume all risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of the Imagine Leadership Camp and transportation to and from the Camp. I further release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless Imagine Leadership Camp, its directors, officers, employees and agents from any injuries my child may sustain as a participant in the camp. (All participants are involved at their own risk) Any registration fee does not provide insurance. I further expressly agree that this waiver is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the law of the State of California and if any portion is held invalid it is agreed that the balance shall continue in full legal force and effect.
I have read and voluntarily signed this release, waiver and policies in its entirety and further agree that no oral representations, statements of inducement apart from the foregoing written agreement have been made.